Next round to be determined - get on our VIP list and be the first to know when we’re hosting this offering again. CLICK HERE to sign up!

I know you’re on this page for a reason!

Maybe your health is not where you would like it. Maybe your cycle and moods are out of whack. Maybe you would like to know how to track your fertility or how to prevent pregnancy. Maybe you are genuinely curious about your cyclical hormones and nourishing your health on a deeper level.

Whether it’s one or all of these —this course is for you — a spiritual, smart, action-oriented woman, who wants to better understand and nourish her female cycle, at any stage of life!

We will start next round a week before the New Moon, and end just before the next New Moon — we cannot wait! Are you ready to support your body on a profound level?

Quick Overview + details about this group course:

  • • Week 1: Introduction & Orientation Week

    • Week 2: New Moon & Menstruation Phase

    • Week 3: Waxing Moon & Pre-Ovulation Phase

    • Week 4: Full Moon & Ovulation Phase

    • Week 5: Waning Moon & Pre-Menstrual Phase

    • Last Day: Conclusion & closing ceremony

  • • One recorded video presentation plus handouts on hormone physiology

    • One recorded video presentation plus handouts on supportive nutrition & supplements

    • One recorded video presentation plus handouts on movement & lifestyle practices

    • 60 minute LIVE interactive Q&A with Chelsea

    • 60 minute LIVE interactive healing arts session with Leah Callahan

    + incredible bonus modules & materials!

  • $20 per Live Healing Arts Session with Leah x 5 sessions = $100

    $30 per Live Q&A Session with Chelsea x 4 sessions = $120

    $25 per module x 15 modules = $375

    Total Value of the Course = $595

  • Tier 1: $222 - for anyone who can fairly comfortably meet their basic needs, is able to afford annual vacations, has access to health care and/or owns home/property. This is the full price option of the course.

    Tier 2: $111 - for anyone who stresses about meeting their basic needs but still regularly achieves them, has access to health care & some expendable income. Use Discount Code: MCMC111 at checkout

    Tier 3: $99 - for anyone who frequently stresses about meeting their basic needs & doesn't always meet them & has limited access to health care. Use Discount Code: MCMC99 at checkout

    All payments are nonrefundable.

    Please understand that if you opt into a lower price when you can honestly afford a higher price, you are limiting access to those who truly need it and are jeopardizing the intent of this pricing structure and the relationship we’re trying to build here.

    If buying this course means making short-term sacrifices, having to get creative, but does not actually put your safety on the line, we ask that you use those resources before opting for the lower tiers.

    You being honest about your financial situation helps us keep our business, work and livelihood afloat. It also respects the community we’re all apart of here.

  • *Requires additional payment as follows:

    Great Plains Laboratory Metals Hair Test with 60 minute interpretation by Chelsea = $222 total add on cost

    Vibrant America Micronutrients Panel with 60 minute interpretation by Chelsea = $555 total add on cost

    *To add on one of the test options above, let us know by contacting us HERE

Meet your course guides:

  • Chelsea Sanfilippo

    Heart-centered registered dietician nutritionist

    Chelsea will be teaching the hormone physiology, supportive nutrition and movement modules as well as leading the Facebook live Q&As weekly in the Moon Cycle Menstrual Course.

    Having gone through her own gut and hormone health journey after being completely dismissed by the conventional medical system, she set out to provide holistic care and services in a way that leads with heart-centered compassion, addresses the root cause and emphasizes innate & natural healing methods. She knows there are alternative ways to care for ourselves that work, and is on a mission to teach humans, especially women, all about it.

  • Leah Callahan

    Calm, loving, healing arts guide

    She will be teaching yoga, meditation, breath-work & sound healing in the Moon Cycle Menstrual Course. Ever since she was a little girl, she has known that her sensitivity to energies is a precious gift. Her devotion to Yoga/bodywork, the elements, and music is a unique way of expressing this essence within her spirit. Music and singing have been apart of her life forever, and she has been practicing yoga and soundscapes for 6 years. She recently received her yoga teacher training in Costa Rica, and is growing on this path of her dreams every day.

Sign up now - take that leap sister!

Frequently asked


Who is the course for?

Women of all ages and stages of life, including menstruating women, women in peri and post-menopause, and women on various forms of birth control.

Please note, the course is primarily geared toward menstruating women; however, the moon cycle component and many of the eating patterns can indeed be followed by women in all phases and stages of life.

Is the Moon Cycle Menstrual Course appropriate for someone with a partial hysterectomy?

Yes! As long as the ovaries are still intact, estrogen and progesterone will continue to be produced (though other factors can affect production and they may be less robust). The main distinction — because the uterus is removed, the bleeding (period) that comes with it every month is absent. Please feel free to schedule a connection call here to allow us to explore any deeper medical related-questions more with you with respect to determining if you’d be a good fit for the course.

Take the leap!

Take the leap!